How do you Re-program the Subconscious Mind that is keeping you in a Lower Vibration?
When we are in Utero until we are 7 years old is when our subconscious mind starts to get programmed. What we have to do is get to the source; to where the memory is, in order to clear it. Once the mind and body make the connection to what is going on, the energy automatically clears with this newfound awareness.
Most people think that the choices we make on a daily basis come from our conscious mind but, in reality, every food we eat, every date we go on, every job we choose is made from our subconscious mind and the programming that occurs in those tender formative years. Our subconscious mind chooses 95 % of the time while our conscious mind chooses about 5% of the time. Our awareness of perception and beliefs after the age of 7 continues to Relive in our subconscious over and over again. It controls our reality as it has now become our programing. What, in your life, are you working really hard on that is not coming into your reality? This is an area where you have an inner conflict with your conscious and subconscious mind. This is where we have to examine our belief systems and our judgments. As even what we judge over and over again will be funneled into today's reality. This will be an area that we will continue to suffer in unless the cycle breaks. We need to listen to how we speak to ourselves, listen like an outside observer. Once you hear your inner dialogue, you need to shift your perception. You need to learn to choose LOVE over Fear. What is life teaching me rather than why is this happening to me! As life is always happening for you not to you. People are reactive and reacting over and over again rather than making these teachable moments.
How we create programs and how thoughts react in the Brain.
Every time we have a thought, whether they are positive or negative, our brain reacts the same way. Neurons turn on in the brain when we have a negative thought and those neurons connect to a similar neuron.
For instance, "I am fat." Then that neuron connects to another neuron like, "I am not attractive," that neuron connects to another neuron. "He would never date me," so on and so forth. Next thing you know, you have an entire forest fire in your mind.
“I am fat” “I am not attractive”
“He would never date me”
If you think this way about yourself, so will the people in the world around you. This is how beliefs become your reality.
Then after a period of time of doing this, these thoughts sneak into our subconscious and become who we are; it connects to our body and our biology starts reacting to that thought. So, if we are thinking all these negative thoughts and we repeat this over and over again, an imprint goes into the neocortex in the front of the mind. This is how our inner world becomes our outer world and our thoughts become our reality!!! Now all of a sudden, our negative beliefs become more real than our outer world and our body becomes symptomatic which can lead to illness. We don’t notice the thoughts anymore; they just become who we are and they are outside of our conscious awareness. We start getting the disease that associates with our level of mind and what we are thinking. First, it is a Dis Ease then it can become a full-blown disease. People start to get stomach issues, heart issues, kidney, liver, and so on.
So, this is how thoughts become who we are this is the science behind it. Our reality starts to become who we think we are.